Meet the team

Get to know the medical and administration team at Corfton Road Surgery.

Our mission is to provide an excellent, high quality health experience for all our patients. Our team are fully trained and compliant with NHS confidentiality policies and all mandatory training. We regularly run in-house team based training to improve our service to our patient population.

Practice Management

Our management team are innovative and forward thinking to ensure the smooth running of the business. We regularly engage with patients through the patient participation partnership and welcome feedback to support the growth of the practice.

Quote / Testimonial:

Vera Lang

Practice Manager
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Susan Mercier

Associate Practice Manager

GP Principals

Our GP Principals are dedicated to support patients in the management of long-term conditions through traditional medicine and innovative approaches.

Our Principals are very active in the local CCG and community projects.

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Dr Susru Sukumaran

GP Principal
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Dr Alex Fragoyannis

GP Principal

Salaried GPs

Our salaried GPs compliment the GP Principals with their own clinical interests, expanding the skill mix of the team. They work a dedicated number of sessions a work, offering continuity of care to our patients.

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Dr Michal Pogorzelski

Salaried GP
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Dr Lucy Rigg

Salaried GP
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Dr Christie Lewis

Salaried GP
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Dr Dina Ashraf

Salaried GP

GP Registrar

We are currently a training practice. We have GP trainer/s supporting the Vocational Training Schemes for registrars to practice in GP settings.

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Dr Sally Al-Abdullah

GP Registrar
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Dr Chloe Moses

GP Registrar
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Dr Hasan Alaeddin

GP Registrar

Clinical pharmacist

Our Clinical Pharmacist is dedicated to ensuring that your repeat prescriptions are managed safely and reviewed appropriately to support your ongoing health needs. She is also trained to conduct adult asthma reviews.

Quote / Testimonial:
Vasudha Bedi
Clinical pharmacist

Nursing Team

Our qualified nurse has applicable skills in cervical screening, immunisations (including travel), contraceptive and sexual health advice, wound care and other aspects of physical care of patients in general practice.

She is also trained to support the management of long-term conditions such as diabetes, Asthma, COPD, cardiovascular disease and other chronic disease management.

Quote / Testimonial:

Sarah Bangura


Health Care Assistants

Our Health Care Assistants (HCA’s) work under the supervision of our Practice Nurs to provide care to patients needing a variety of physical tests and other aspects of care to support the management on long-term conditions.

This may include blood tests, ECG’s, 24-hour blood pressure monitors, injections for adults, simple wound care, spirometry, diabetic foot care and high risk monitoring, ear care, etc.

All our health care assistants work under the supervision of either the Practice Nurse or the GP.

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Petimat Doukaeva

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David Mwenitete

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Iwona Bilas


Reception Team

The reception team are the first point of contact for all patients at the surgery.

Our experienced Reception team are here to help you in making bookings, answering queries and directing you to the most appropriate service based on your medical needs. They will help you set up you patient online access and update your details so the surgery can keep you informed of new services.

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Practice Manager
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  • Nishi