Practice Policies & Patient Information

Practice Policies & Patient Information

Our staff are committed to providing quality healthcare for the benefit of all of our patients. View our policies to see how this is achieved.

If you want to become a member of the PPG – please let the practice manager of staff know; and we can include you in our next meeting!

We can include your views and opinions even if you cannot attend meetings in person – you can join via telephone, online feedback forms & email. Please let us know if you wish to join and we will find a way to accommodate you

We value your input and experience.

Contact the patient group


Corfton Road Surgery

All members of the surgery primary health care team are dedicated to a quality policy to achieve health care and services, which meet our patients’ requirements. In particular

1) Patients will have a right to be greeted courteously and made to feel welcomed to the practice.

2) Patients have a right to absolute confidentiality.

3) Patients have the right to information about their own health including

 the illness and its treatment

 other forms of treatment available

 the likely outcome of this illness / disease

4) Access to health records subject to any limitation in law compiled after 1991.

5) Doctors and Nurses will endeavour to begin surgeries at the appointment time. Any delay will be due to medical necessity. Where there is a delay in excess of 25 minutes, patients have a right to be informed the reason for the delay and to make an alternative appointment if necessary.

6) The practice will offer advice and seek to inform patients of:

 Steps they can take to promote good health and avoid illness exercise diet smoking, immunisation etc.

 Advise on self-help which can be undertaken without having to see the doctor or nurse in cases of minor ailments as outlined on our website.

7) The practice will inform patients of services available on our website.

8) Patients may choose whether or not to take part in research or training.

9) Patients shall be referred to a consultant specialist acceptable to them if their doctor thinks this is necessary.

10) Patients with urgent medical conditions as triaged by a doctor will be given priority and will be seen as soon as possible, even when this may cause delay to booked appointments.

11) Acute prescriptions will he issued with minimum delay.

12) Repeat prescriptions will be available 2 working days following the request unless patient has not attended for review as requested.

13) Any suggestions to improve service will be considered by the practice and a response will be given.

14) A full and prompt reply to a written complaint will be made by a senior member of staff within seven days.

15) We have the right to remove patients from our list if they repeatedly and persistently ignore their responsibilities to us and other patients.


1. Treating your doctor and their staff as you would expect to be treated by them –with respect and politeness.

2. To attend appointments on time or to give the practice adequate notice that they wish to cancel (minimum 48 hours) – lateness or non-¬attendance inconveniences other people and wastes appointment time.

3. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment you may have to rebook.

4. If you have missed your appointments 3 times or more, your next appointment can only be booked with the discretion of the Practice Manager or the doctor, you will not be able to automatically receive an appointment. You may also be liable to be removed from the practice list.

5. An appointment is for one person only, where another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made.

6. Patients should make every effort to consult at the surgery to make the best use of nursing and medical time. Home visits should be medically justifiable and not requested for social convenience. Facilities for examination are better at the surgery and less time the doctor spends traveling the more time is available for patients.

7. Repeat prescriptions must be requested in good time by e-mailing or filling out a slip at reception or submitting the request via SystmOne online. Please be aware that receptionists are not allowed to take prescription requests via the telephone. If a medication review is required, you will be informed about next steps.

8. Patients should not expect a prescription every time they visit the surgery. Good advice is often the best treatment.

9. Please remember doctors are only human – they cannot solve all your problems and some illnesses cannot be cured.

Thank you for helping your surgery provide a better service.

Practice Statement

We would like to work in partnership with our patients. Being partners’ means that we have a responsibility towards each other. This can only be achieved if we work together. We are committed to providing you the best possible care. In turn, this patient contract lists your responsibilities towards helping us run an efficient service and a system that is fair to all patients registered at Corfton Road Surgery. By registering with the practice this contract sets out your responsibilities as a patient towards the service for which we are both responsible.

Patient Statement

I agree and understand the responsibilities listed in this contract. By abiding to the responsibilities in this contract I am making a commitment to working in partnership with Corfton Road Surgery and helping the other patients who are registered there by upholding my responsibilities as a patient.

We want you to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.

Friends & Family Test

There are currently no vacancies.

Alert: Our GP surgery is participating in the BMA-approved industrial action

Corfton Road Surgery is taking part in the BMA-approved GP industrial action from 5th August 2024. Find out more about our industrial action here