Below lists the clinics and services that we provide here at Corfton Road Surgery with our Nurses and Health Care Assistants.
If you would like to book one of these clinics, please book your appointment online, or contact us on 020 8997 4215.
Main Services
These are the main services provided by the doctors and nurses:
- General medical services covering most conditions
- Childhood immunisations and developmental checks
- Diabetic checks
- Hypertension management and blood pressure (BP) checks (by pre-booked appointment)
- Asthma management
- Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (COPD) management
- Travel advice and vaccination (including yellow fever)
- Phlebotomy including paediatric blood tests for children 2-14 years old
- Carers’ health checks
- Free NHS Health checks for patients aged 40-74
- Flu vaccinations for eligible patients. Other patients can be vaccinated privately
- Optional health checks for registered patients who have not been seen at the surgery for three years or more
- Cervical smear tests
- Medication reviews
- Insurance medical examinations and reports
Other Services
The following services are also provided:
Some patients require dressings for ulcers and wounds. The nurse will advise you when it is most appropriate to attend for a change of dressing. Treatment of minor cuts and wounds may also be undertaken.
Blood Tests, 24hr Blood pressure monitoring, ECGs and Lung Function Tests
These services are mainly performed by our nurse and healthcare assistant team.
The doctor who organises your test will tell you whether or not you need to fast over night.
Private Microsuction service to Remove Ear Wax (same day)
In addition to private GP services, we provide same day safe, effective ear microsuction services to remove ear wax. In addition, we offer medical consultations for other ear-related problems. All our services are provided by extremely experienced GP doctors. To book an appointment online, please visit or click this link or call us on 0208 004 7808.